moxa for fertility
Moxibustion is made from the leaves of the mugwort plant (Artemisia Vulgaris or Artemisia Argyi) and may be used to stimulate or warm certain acupuncture points. It does this by emitting a deep, penetrating heat as it burns.
‘Moxa’ is packaged in many forms: sticks, cones, grains and loose. Pure moxa smells like cannabis (pot)! It won’t make you high, so don’t even try inhaling. As it produces a significant amount of smoke, it is best utilized outside. Charcoal moxa has undergone a process that results in it producing less smoke when lit, making it ideal for home use.

What’s in your Moxa Package:
A pad of stick-on moxa’s good for 9-12 days, depending on moxa point prescription
Heat regulating paper, use a needed
Burn cream (Brand: Spring Wind; Ingredients: Organic sesame oil, Beeswax, Biota leaf, Arnebia, Tangkuei, Coptis root, Gardenia fruit, Rehmannia, Angelica baizhi, Rhubarb root and Sanguisorba)
Before using moxa, you will need to prepare the following:
• A lighter or candle
• A ceramic or glass container with a layer of rice or sand in the bottom to
collect any ash in it that may form from the burning moxa as well as to
extinguish it afterwards (This is reusable; just rinse and dry it periodically to
get the ash out.)
• A small towel or piece of foil to place under the area being treated in case
any ash falls off – if used on the abdomen
Home Moxibustion – Instructions
· Stimulate only the specific, acupuncture points which have been selected
for you by your acupuncturist based on your current condition.
· Do not perform moxibustion if you feel sick or have a fever.
· Exercise caution when performing home-moxibustion as the hot ash has
the potential to burn you, or your children and pets, or even your home, to
the ground… pick a safe area, preferably over a hard floor, free from
· Watch this instructional video on proper use and application of moxa on ST 36. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veXxDESvxzM
· Please call the clinic if you have any further questions or concerns about
the moxibustion procedure.
Treatment Frequency
· 2-3 times/week at the beginning of or when restarting a course of treatment, but may be safely used every day if desired
· 1-2 times/week for general strengthening of body systems and longevity effects
· Moxa treatment is particularly effective during the transitional phases of the year when one season shifts into the next Moxa Cone
1. Ensure that your skin is clean, dry, and otherwise free of oil or other moisturizers.
2. Before first application, mark your points with a pen or marker to allow easy location.
3. Remove sticker tape from the bottom/base of moxa cone.
4. Light a candle or ready your lighter. Hold the moxa cone with tweezers or your stable fingers (thumb and index) and ignite evenly around the entire edge of the top of the cone.
5. Blow lightly on the cone to be sure that it is well lit.
6. Carefully place the moxa cone onto the desired location and press the base firmly into place. Keep the tweezers and a container close at hand to remove if necessary.
7. Let the cone burn: initially, you will feel nothing. The temperature will gradually increase as the cone turns to ash; exercise caution as the inside will be glowing hot – let the cone burn through completely (approx. 5-7 minutes) as long as it remains comfortable – if the heat becomes intense or feels like it is burning you or is causing a strong itching sensation, remove it by grabbing the base of the cone with the tweezers or fingers, and place it into the disposal container.
8. Unless otherwise prescribed, use 1 moxa cone for each acupuncture point – do both sides of the body – the points may be done simultaneously if you have someone to assist you.
9. It is normal to have slight redness on the skin after application. If your skin is sensitive and burns easily, extra precautions may be prescribed for you.
10. After your moxa session, you may apply the burn cream that came with your moxa package as you deem fit.

+1 (832) 303-9514

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